When the clock’s ticking and you’re raising money to fight a life destroying disease like Kennedys, getting your marketing sorted isn’t the first thing you going to be thinking about.

When the team at Kennedy’s Disease UK spoke to us, they were armed with a logo, massive enthusiasm and a bunch of people who were already out there fundraising.

Our challenge was to develop a website that would become the central point for information about the disease, highlight the research that’s taking place and showcase stories of those battling the disease and those raising money to fight it. The charity wanted to look professional, develop trust and provide a one stop mobile friendly site for all fundraising activity. We also wanted to develop an identity that built on the charity’s logo and could translate to printed material too.

We developed and launched a site that has intuitive navigation, crisp design and prominent opportunities to donate to the charity. Feedback has been brilliant and the charity has increased the number of people making donations. We’ve developed printed material too that has allowed the charity to expand their reach.

We’ve worked with the team at KDUK for over three years now and we continue to develop and maintain their website and help with all aspects of their marketing. The charity is going from strength to strength and we’re really proud to be a small part of their success.

Website Design

Marketing Material


Website Maintenance

High quality